Haiti News Flash: Violent Clashes In Cité Soleil
Cité Soleil experiencing again hours of violence. Friday morning, armed groups clashed particularly in Project Drouillard and Bois Neuf, neighborhoods that families have deserted fearing for their lives.
Friday in Bois Neuf at least two people were executed in an inter-gang conflict. Throughout the day gunshots were reported. Faced with what looked like an urban guerilla the Brigade of Operation and of Departmental Intervention (BOID), a specialized unit newly formed of the Haitian National Police (June 24, 2015 http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-14314-haiti-security-boid-a-new-specialized-police-brigade.html ) intervened in force later in the day, n several neighborhoods to restore order particularly in Fort Dimanche, Belekou and Boston where several shootouts broke out between the security forces and gunmen.
According to witnesses, the forceful intervention of BOID would have caused many casualties in the ranks of gangs. Several ambulances have transported many bodies at the Hospital of the State University, several people dead and many injured.
In the evening, in Projet Drouillard where BOID has also intervened more than a hundred people have been arrested.
It was reported to us that several houses were burned and motorcycles.
So far no official record of the PNH was provided on those events.
Reprinted from HL/ HaitiLibre